Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Clean is the new black.

So yesterday on Oprah they talked about an issue that serves as one of my core decorating principles: keep it clean, people!! It seems that sometimes, over the years, the trinkets and gadgets that have been acquired as gifts or vacation momentos tend to build up so much that they end up all over your house, and that is supposed to be home decor! This happened to me while I was in college. With all the University and Sorority swag I was given, one day I looked around and felt like I was drowning in stuff! So whenever I got married I decided it was time to bite the bullet, get rid of all of the things I didn't NEED, and start afresh! It was therapeutic to say the least.

So anyways, Nate Berkus was on Oprah yesterday and helped "makeunder" an over-cluttered, under-decorated living room of a woman in Louisiana. I must say, it was so inspiring that I know that many women across the country could benefit from a similar "purging" of...well...crap. Take a look at the before and after pictures (before is the 1st pic, after is the 2nd) and be inspired to do the same in your home! Get rid of what you can, store some of the things you can't part from, and give a mini-makeover to the stuff you are going to keep on display. I know you can do it!!

To see more pictures of the makeunder, visit oprah's website:

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