Monday, February 15, 2010

What we're about...

My name is Annie Houston, and I currently work for a residential remodeling company, Ron Houston Renovations, owned by my father-in-law. I am also an aspiring interior decorator, and I absolutely love anything involving home decor. There is something just so great about "home", isn't there? It's the shelter you go home to everyday, the place you re-charge your batteries, the place where you entertain friends and make your favorite meals. To me, a home is what you make it. How do you want people to feel when they walk in the door? How do YOU want to feel when you walk in the door? The way we decorate our homes influences these things. It's a way to express ourselves, and explore our creative side. Don't we women enjoy a little creativity every once in a while? I know I do. I hope that with this blog I can help you feel inspired to do the things you've always wanted to do in your home, to really reach down deep and find your inner Martha Stewart. On this blog, we can share our favorite paint colors, recipes, home decor stores, and much more. Now I'm no expert, but I am probably just like you: a woman who wants her home to be a haven, and really enjoys the process of making it that way. On this blog, I'll provide tips that hopefully you'll find useful in your decorating journey, little things that make a big difference. My desire is that as we progress, you'll truly feel, "There's no place like home".

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